Learn to Fix System Error 67 in Windows 10

Learn to Fix System Error 67 in Windows 10

The 'System Error 67 has Occurred' issue is encountered when Windows users plan to run a Network Discover scan or map a network drive from CMD or PowerShell. It seems one of the foremost common causes that will trigger this error is the wrong syntax. However, a glitched driver also can cause this error. Especially just in case you're using an old driver version dated immediately after Windows 10 initially launched. Other potential reasons include an enabled 'Hardened UNC Paths' policy or an improperly configured IP NAT. In this blog. We discuss how to resolve system error 67 when mapping a network drive .

Steps to fix System error 67 in Windows 10

If you need to resolve this issue, check out some of the below potential resolutions. Follow the below resolution method.

  • Using the correct syntax

Before trying out any other fix, you should start by ensuring that your inputting syntax is correct. If you want to map a network drive using ‘net use * //*IP Address*,’ you see this error message because you use forward slashes instead of backslashes. The right syntax, in this case, is "net use * \\*IP Address*\sharename." If this method didn’t apply to your particular scenario or you are already using the correct syntax, move down to the next potential fix below.

  • Updating the Network driver

As it seems, one of the foremost common causes which will end up triggering system error 67 in Windows 10 error may be a glitched Network driver that's stuck between states. In most cases, this issue is facilitated by some bug. to repair this, you'll need to update your network driver to the most recent version available.

  • Enable ‘Hardened UNC Paths’ via Gpedit.msc

As long as Hardened UNC Paths is enabled, you would possibly encounter this problem when trying to map your drive via Group Policy on Windows 10. Several affected users that were also battling an equivalent problem have confirmed that they managed to repair the difficulty by opening the Local Group Policy Editor (Gpedit.msc) and disabling the Hardened UNC Paths policy to stop it from creating additional conflicts.

The resolutions above will probably fix system error 67 for many users. With that issue fixed, users can then map network drives and run Network Discover scans as needed.


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